Friday, January 27, 2006

Sybase ADO.NET (Internal Error 30002) FIX

Hey Friends:

This post is more relevant to those who are using Sybase ADO.NET drivers in their .NET applications to connect to Sybase databases. I recently came across a wierd SYBASE Exception which had a description: Internal Error 30002, while I was trying to insert records into my Sybase database tables. I could not find any explanation on Sybase tech support pages, and also not much helpful information on the search engines.

I opened up a Tech support case with Sybase as my company has their support subscription, and they advised us to upgrade the .NET PC Client to the latest EBF (ebf13008). This magically solved all these internal error problems.

I hope some of you who may be facing these errors might get help.

Puneet Wadhwa